Introduction to the Inner Peace Process (IPP)
The Inner Peace Process (IPP) is a simple yet powerful method designed to help you process and release emotional stress, reconnect with your inner wisdom, and cultivate a sense of calm and clarity. Whether you’re dealing with stress, unresolved feelings, or a sense of being stuck, the IPP provides a step-by-step framework to help you transform emotional burdens into actionable insights and inner harmony. By engaging with this process, you can move from feeling overwhelmed to a place of empowerment and ease.
The IPP is ideal for anyone seeking to:
- Navigate emotional challenges with greater self-awareness.
- Develop resilience by regulating their nervous system.
- Experience more frequent states of calm, clarity, and creativity.
- Build a deeper connection to their inner wisdom and self-compassion.
With consistent practice, the IPP not only helps you address immediate feelings of stress or discomfort but also fosters long-term emotional well-being. Over time, you’ll notice shorter and less intense periods of emotional reactivity, allowing you to respond to life’s challenges with greater ease and confidence.
Below is the detailed guide to practicing the Inner Peace Process. Take your time with each step, and remember to approach the process with curiosity, patience, and self-kindness.
Inner Peace Process (IPP)
Step 1: Identify the feeling of being upset. (You could give it a number from 1-10 how bad it is).
- Ask yourself: “Where do I feel this in my body?” Focus on the location where you feel it.
Step 2: Focus on the physical sensation.
- Measure and define the sensation by asking each of these questions as separate steps:
- “What is the shape of this sensation?”
- “What is the size of this sensation?”
- “What is the color of this sensation?”
- “What is the weight of this sensation?”
- “What is the sound of this sensation?”
Step 3: Externalize the energy.
- Imagine taking the energy of the sensation and putting it into your left hand.
Step 4: Communicate with the energy.
- Ask the energy: “Are you willing to communicate with me?” Pause and wait for a yes or no feeling.
Step 5: If the energy says yes:
- Thank it and ask, “What do you want?” Pause and observe what arises.
- Respond: Say “Thank you”, and write down whatever thought or idea comes to mind, if you choose.
Step 6: Ask the energy further questions.
- “Are you trying to help me in some way?” Pause.
- “If so, how?” Pause. Take notes on what comes up.
- Respond: “Thank you for sharing.”
Step 7: Transition to the right hand.
- Put your left hand aside and hold out your right hand.
Step 8: Fill your right hand with positive feeling states, one at a time: Pause and sense or feel each word/or remember a time when you felt that word before. Pause at each one a few moments as you feel it and remember it, and then pretend you are putting that feeling into your right hand. Then move on to the next feeling and repeat through all 9 feelings.
- Love.
- Strength.
- Courage.
- Grounded and (heart) centered.
- Gratitude.
- Faith.
- Energy.
- Power.
- Compassion. Especially self-compassion.
Step 9: Unite the hands/parts.
- Ask the left hand: “Are you willing to work together with the right hand to get what you want without the bad feelings, but keeping all the lessons?”
Step 10: Follow the response:
- If “no”: Smack your hands together and shake them out.
- If “yes”: Let your hands move together until they’re holding each other, forming a new “super part” that helps you move forward.
Step 11: Ask the new super part/your inner wisdom:
- “Now that we’ve resolved that issue, what’s the first thing I should do to move forward?” Pause and listen. Then see yourself doing that in the near future. Write that down.
- After you do that first thing in the future, ask your super part, “What’s the second thing I need to do after that to move forward and take care of myself in this situation?” Pause and notice what comes up. Write that down and see yourself doing that in the near future.
Step 12: Visualize and commit.
- See yourself accomplishing both steps in the future.
- Write both steps down with today’s date.
Step 13: Check on progress. Regroup: breathe, stretch and check back in with the problem you started with and see how it feels now.
- Ask yourself: “Now how do I feel compared to before?”
- If you could rate it on a scale of 1-10, how did it feel before and how does it feel now?
- Now that you feel better—somewhat relieved, more at ease, or even super happy and joyful—and are thinking clearly, go about your day with confidence. Know that you are taking steps toward progress, and each day you’ll be able to ask for and act on the next two steps to heal and clear whatever arises. Continue this process daily, and over 30, 60, or 90 days, track your progress on a calendar. Celebrate the issues you’ve cleared and reflect on how far you’ve come. Imagine the new possibilities ahead now that you have this tool at your disposal.
- Tip: As an added benefit, make it a habit to regularly notice how your body reacts to stress. This awareness helps normalize feelings of calm and relaxation. Over time, practicing the IPP allows your body to release and manage stress more effectively. You’ll notice improvements in how long your body remains stressed and how quickly it recovers. Regulating your nervous system is a foundational step in embodying healing. Essentially, healing involves clearing out the stress that your body processes through emotional reactions to life’s challenges. Depending on your trauma history, different triggers may arise at different times. However, with a consistent practice to discharge stress, these triggered moments tend to become shorter, less frequent, and less intense. This enables you to move forward with greater ease.
- Remember, it can be challenging to relax, tap into your inner wisdom, access your creative flow state, or elevate your emotions to love and gratitude when your body is burdened with stress, loss, pressures, frustrations, or unresolved emotional upsets. This is especially true when your usual coping tools no longer feel effective. The IPP offers a simple, accessible way to integrate and regulate these feelings, providing profound benefits over time. It’s like transitioning from feeling lost to truly finding yourself.
CTA for Personalized Coaching
If you find the Inner Peace Process helpful but feel that you need additional support to address specific challenges or customize the process to your unique situation, I’m here to help. Sometimes, having guidance can make all the difference in fully unlocking the transformative power of this method.
To get started, visit my website and fill out the contact form. Include any questions, your best times to connect (with your time zone), and use “Coaching” in the subject line.
Let’s work together to help you navigate your path to peace and empowerment.